✨ Truck / ⚡️ / Girls✨

This week: some Girls stuff, some Truck stuff ~>

GGG stuff: ✨!

On the Girls! Girls! Girls! front, things are moving along and we are on the COUNTDOWN TO DEPARTURE! We leave July 15th! Please join us at Studio Two Three this coming Friday for a kickoff party / art show! 

As we get ready to go, I wanted to share some links that reflect some of my mindset behind this series of artwork.

My background and my community is the illustration world, where there's growing attention being paid to representation of a broad spectrum of bodies and lifestyles. As artists we have more power than we think over how people see the world, and I want to use that power responsibly. 

Women who draw

A directory of womxn illustrators, and a glorious example of myriad ways to represent female people.

and an article about why this is important and exciting: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38524131

Illustration & Representation

Critical review of popular contemporary illustration
"Drawing the Other: Illustration and Representation" by Sabrina Scott

Taking up space

A story that exemplifies one of the ways womxn are conditioned to apologize and minimize ourselves. (Originally I saw this on fb, then re-found it on this blog.) By Holly VanSchaick

My compulsive collection of the over-popular tendency of artists to use women as neutral subjects. Roughly, what-not-to-do.
Pretty girl + pretty hair = art. 

Truck stuff: ⚡️!

On Saturday I brought the truck to Hack RVA, where a whole host of savvy folk helped install conduit and receptacles along the driver's side of the truck! This means I can plug things in a little more easily now, instead of running extension cords to the built-in outlets on my inverter.

Installing the conduit was actually really satisfying - keying into little spaces I had left myself when designing the desk, puzzling out exactly where the semi-flexible conduit could get space to turn, etc etc... Dare I say fun? All the actual electrical stuff though, I left to the more professional amateurs ;) 

Now I have an outlet by the inverter, with a switch to make sure everything is turned off before the inverter is turned on (apparently that's important), an outlet at the end of the desk where I'll want my computer and a task lamp, and an outlet hidden in the ladder closet, where I can run extension cords outside the truck! Coming soon: adding another outlet by the front door, and running 24v hookups to LED fixtures and a water pump. 

Also, it was called to my attention that I haven't really showed a picture of the whole inside recently! Soooo check it out:

The idea is to clear out all the junk on the left side and stow it neatly under and over the desk and sink. Other next steps: buy reflectix and cut to fit in the windows, make/buy curtains or window covers, finish building the sink/counter/cabinet, add shelves above and beside it with storage for brushes, painting cups, rags, cleaning supplies, etc, add shelving above the desk, make/buy drawers to go over the batteries for paint (not oil, calm down) .... MANY THINGS! How much will get done before the trip? Probably just the window covers and lighting, maybe the sink??