Window means GO

I JUST GOT A NEW WINDOW (and the left windshield pane replaced) at long last!! As simple as it is I’m super excited because that felt like a big roadblock for moving forward with anything at all. I dropped the truck off with Able Glass Services just a couple blocks away, and picked it up the next day, easy peasy after a bit of a wait for the weather to be good. 

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Much plan, many helps!

Much plan, many helps!

I have had an awesome week of talking to very helpful people about my designs. Bert Green of SolarMill, Thom Stanton of Timber Trails, Shaylen Broughten of SABarts and her husband Chris, and Matt Blair of B&C Creations. I'm just going to keep linking to these folks again and again because they just keep being super handy with advice and assistance <3

Right now all of this is crystallized in my brain, so before it disintegrates here's a big info dump of everything I learned and will be applying ASAP.

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Business Crush #2

I found a new ROLE MODEL! A family friend did me a big favor and took me out to meet Jamie, proud owner of Virginia Beach's only MOBILE SIGNAGE SHOP. Jamie provides vinyl lettering and graphics services out of his 1989 Chevy Grumman step-van, and has been doing it that way for 25 years. Very recently he acquired a new truck, and is already ahead of me in the renovations process to outfit the second work vehicle in his tiny fleet. 

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The Husband is in the House

Big doings in the past week or so! I've found a home for the Metal Husband (although to be honest I think Metal Baby is a more appropriate name) and gotten it parked there for the time being ~indoors~!! Very Fancy.

As we all know, Winter is Coming (specifically it's coming tomorrow morning, better put on your snow pants Richmond) so getting the Metal Baby under a roof is a big deal. 

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Pinterest and the first sketches

Pinterest and the first sketches

For the last 3 years or so I've been making a Pinterest board for a possible future tiny house. For the last year, I've made a separate one just for the Mobile Studio. Now it's time for me to sort through those boards for actual useful information. I'm going through them image by image and link by link, editing and making a physical list of key ideas.  If you'd like to see the board, take a look! 

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Schemes and Tangles

It's hard to keep all of my different lines of thought straight. Sometimes I feel like it's a very direct process (buy van, make repair plan, do repairs, wow!), and sometimes I wade too deep into the strong currents of possibility. The sweet spot in between involves keeping a lot of strings separate and ready to braid into one plan. I like both of those metaphors so I'm keeping them, but the strings one is more helpful right now. 

The strings I'm holding at the moment (in no particular order) are:

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